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Action Pages Index

Pages tab within your fundraising account to access the Action Pages Index . Within the Action Pages Index, you can manage and create new Action Pages. Continue below to learn more!

+ New PageClick the blue + New Page button to build a new Donation , Lead , or Event Page. Once you have selected the page type, you will be redirected to the Builder. * Donation Pages are financial pages that allow supporters to submit donations. * ​ Lead Pages are non-financial pages used for petitions and surveys. * Event Pages are available for ticketed events.
Search BarEnter Page Names , Page Slugs , and Page IDs to filter for specific pages.
Tags (Icon)Click the Tags icon to create and manage Tags. To learn more about Tags, check out the following guide: Tags
FilterUse the Filter menu to search pages by Tags or Status .
ActionsTo access Actions, hover over the Name of a page. Within the Actions menu, you can complete the following actions: * View - This will open the public view of your Action Page * Edit - This will redirect you to the Builder * Clone - This will create a new copy of the page * View Submission - This allows you to view the submission records associated with the individual page * Pause - This will pause the page, preventing new donations from processing. * Archive - Before a page can be Archived, it must first be paused.
StatusThere are three page statuses available: Active , Paused , and Archived .
Tags (Column)View and manage Tags within the Tags column. Reminder: Removing a Team tag will remove the assigned Team's access to that page.
Page Type* Donation Page * Lead Page * Event Page
IDEach Action Page has an ID. The ID is used for tracking across Anedot.
Submission CountThe Submission Count includes both successful and failed submissions from donors. Tip : The count listed may not align with the Transactions tab data due to failed submissions being included in the count.