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Version: 0.4.1


Coming soon!​

This feature is under construction πŸš§πŸ‘·β€β™€οΈ


We will release more information as we get closer to launching this feature, so stay tuned!

To use Action Pages for tickets prior to the dedicated Events feature being released, please check out our temporary solution below.

Tickets with Donation Pages (Temporary)

Multiple Ticket Options With Unique Prices

To get started, access the Finance-Amounts tab within the page builder. Then click Create Amounts . From here, you will create a custom Amounts Preset for your ticketed event.

Warning : Editing an existing Amounts Preset will affect all pages to which the Amounts Preset is actively assigned. Be sure to create a new Amount Preset for your ticketed event.

Follow the steps below to apply your ticket options to a Donation Page:

  1. Add the name of your event to the Name field.
  2. Review the Frequency Options and adjust accordingly.
  3. Edit the Preset Amount buttons by adding your individual ticket prices.
  4. Add Descriptions next to each ticket option by clicking the Note with a Pencil icon.
  5. Disable Allow other amounts if you would prefer that supporters only select an option using the Preset Amount buttons.
  6. Scroll to the top of the Amounts Presets editor and click Save , then click Publish in the upper right corner.

Note: Supporters can only make one selection per transaction. If they are purchasing multiple tickets, they will need to submit multiple submissions.

If needed, you may add custom fields on the Form tab

to request additional data from your supporters. Example: Guest Names, Meal Options, Etc.

Multiple Ticket Options with Same Price

To get started, access the Finance-Amounts tab within the page builder. Then click Create Amounts . From here, you will create a custom Amounts Preset for your ticketed event.

Warning : Editing an existing Amounts Preset will affect all pages to which the Amounts Preset is actively assigned. Be sure to create a new Amount Preset for your ticketed event.

Follow the steps below to apply your ticket options to a Donation Page:

  1. Add the name of your event to the Name field.
  2. Review the Frequency Options and adjust accordingly.
  3. Edit the Preset Amount buttons by adding your ticket prices.

Tip: If you have multiple ticket options for a single price, create a single Preset Amount button for the ticket price. 4. Disable Allow other amounts if you would prefer that supporters only select the ticket price options available with the Preset Amount buttons. 5. Scroll to the top of the Amounts Presets editor and click Save , then click Publish in the upper right corner.

Next, you will need to access the Form tab within the builder to create a new Field Preset for the event.

  1. Click Create Form
  2. Add the name of your event to the Name field.
  3. Add a custom field by selecting the Selection List custom field type
  4. Within the Selection List editor, enable the Required toggle
  5. Add text such as β€œSelect your ticket designation below:” to the Field Label
  6. Select Dropdown as the List Type
  7. Add each ticket option to the List Items .

Tip: Include the price of each ticket item in parentheses 8. Click Save in the Selection List editor. 9. Scroll to the top of the Field Presets editor and click Save , then click Publish in the upper right corner.

Tip: If you have ticket options for a Couple or multiple people, create a custom Text field for the supporter to include Guest Names.

Note: Supporters can only make one selection per transaction. If they are purchasing multiple tickets, they will need to submit multiple submissions.

Need help? Contact our Support team here .