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Version: 0.4.1

Transaction API (limited)

Limited and Temporary

This API will be replaced by API 5.0.0 in the future. This API was exposed for approved customers due to the deprecation of past APIs.

Token Generation

A user is specified at the time token generation. The initial quota allotted to a user is 1000 requests per month.

Transactions GET request

Pulls an array of transaction objects that happen on the date passed in for a specific account. This endpoint locks the requests to a specific user's permissions in the Anedot application.

Required Fields in URL Query Params

  • created_at
  • account_id

Field Attributes

  • account_id format is a UID
  • created_at format is YYYY-MM-DD

Example Request for Transactions

curl --location '<Account UID>&created_at=2024-03-15' \
--header 'x-api-key: <Insert API Token provided>' \
--header 'accept: application/json'

Example Response

"utm_codes":"`{`\"term\": null, \"medium\": null, \"source\": null, \"content\": null, \"campaign\": null`}`","custom_fields_json":"`{`\"custom-field-name\": \"CUSTOMVALUE\"`}`",
"line_1":"1340 Poydras Street",
"line_2":"Suite 1770",
"city":"New Orleans",
"created_at":"2024-09-19 20:45:23.921629",

Usage Plans

Usage TierRequests per month
Free Tier1000
Need to increase rate?

Email us and we can consider the use case.

Known limitations

Pagination not currently available but may be added in future release.